Latest Episodes

March 03, 2023
1 The cosmic pull toward union
There is a great cosmic pull in this world…The aim of this pull is to move us toward union…But if union is being looked...

March 04, 2023
2 The counter-pull: Frustration
There is a feature in the human personality related to the pull that we tend to trot out on Opposite Day: it’s called frustration…Neither...

March 05, 2023
3 The importance of how we communicate
Each human soul has a center from which the soul forces flow, and to which others are constantly responding. This is the command center...

March 06, 2023
4 The spiritual significance of our relationships
On this human plane of existence, individual units of consciousness exist and sometimes we all get along. Just as often though, conflicts arise creating...

March 07, 2023
5 Pleasure: The full pulsation of life
In truth, as long as we believe that our substitutes are all the pleasure there is, we’re not able to believe the full pleasure...

March 08, 2023
6 The forces of love, eros and sex
People may be confused about a lot of different things, but most of us are somewhat confused about love. And sex. And then there’s...